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Old January 21st, 2004, 07:36 PM

onomastikon onomastikon is offline
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Default Last question (I hope) on magic learning strategies (Machaka or similar multi-path)?

First of all, thanks so much for all of you answering my questions I have been posting here.

I hope this is the Last really newbie one. OK here goes:

Learning which magic schools to invest in and when, and how to set up my Pretender (rainbow, same-as-nation-mages, whatever) has been getting better, especially with the couple of races I have been trying and having some success with (namely: Pangaia, Man, and Ulm). I also think these may be the "easier" races to do ok with (my newbie impression) since the magic is straightforward and fairly limited in scope (two paths). I can deal with that.

I am failing at Machaka. Perhaps someone can help?

What I find really hard to deal with is the magic being so broad but not potent. Pangaia has its main mage having 2 nature and 3 earth, plus 1 random -- simple, and high. But Machaka has most of its mages spread out with ONE point in THREE paths (exception: black sorceror). I find this very tough, because now it seems I have to rely on my Pretender to forge items they cant even MAKE in order to get them the +1 boost in a path so that they can forge the items themselves AND/OR forge items to give them the +1 boost to cast those "power of" spells giving them the +1 path they need to cast other spells.
Otherwise, one point in a path just doesnt get me far. What is the point of having all those great varied paths when you have no power in them?

This of course is NOT a rhetorical question: can anyone help me out with their experience here?

It doesnt have to be Machaka, any multi-but-weak-path race tips would be good, but I sure would like to play them, they seem so.... interesting. I kind of like the tribal motif.

thank you
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