January 21st, 2004, 07:53 PM
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Re: Last question (I hope) on magic learning strategies (Machaka or similar multi-path)?
Originally posted by onomastikon:
Machaka has most of its mages spread out with ONE point in THREE paths (exception: black sorceror).
You forgot the 190 gold Sorceror - 2 nature, 1 ?. There aren't that many nations that can get mages with 2-3 levels in 3 different paths.
it seems I have to rely on my Pretender to forge items they cant even MAKE in order to get them the +1 boost in a path so that they can forge the items themselves AND/OR forge items to give them the +1 boost to cast those "power of" spells giving them the +1 path they need to cast other spells.
Sorcerors can forge Thistle Maces (+1 nature)
Black Sorcs can forge Earth Boots (+1 earth)
All mages can forge Fire Skulls (+1 fire)
Black Sorcs with a Fire Skull can forge Flame Helmets (+1 fire)
That's without even considering random magic picks. Quite a decent list I'd say.
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