One huge thing, which hasn't cropped up yet: Machaka can make use of Fever Fetishes off the box! Best path to fire gemmity goodness:
- Black Sorceror forges Earth boots (skip, if random was Earth)
- Black Sorceror forges Dwarven hammer
- Someone summons an undead commander, since they don't give a rats @$$ about diseases.
- Witch Doctor w/ D-Hammer hammers away Fever Fetishes a-plenty (req. Fire-1, Nature-1).
- Fever Fetish goes to an undead commander. Black Servants work best (stealth).
- Remember to harvest (F7->pool(fire gems))
Cost to start this is quite a bit (in gems) but I find it *very* worthwhile, especially after recruiting indy-alchemist and forging the Alchemists' Stone
Dwarven hammer should be used. Really.
- Humer