Re: Last question (I hope) on magic learning strategies (Machaka or similar multi-path)?
Humer: that sort of goes without saying but is a good point anyway. I admit that I turn quite a hefty amount of the fire gems to cash, too but most of the time I just go to town with Flames/Fires from the sky or build some phoenix rods instead (incinerate = best fire combat spell). Those work especially well against all kinds of big monsies, mass protected ulm troops etc. Also, tested a 4-air Virtue design today and would heartily recommend it for Machaka, too. You actually get the same scales as w/ PoD.
As for Hunter Spiders, I'm still not a big fan of them. Just too easy to take out with magic to be worth the investment. Actually, I find that the mages are Machaka's real strength. I mostly build Hoplites (damn these troops are cool) with some shortbows thrown in with 'fire at archers' to take out longbows/crossbows. Later in the game just mass protect your hoplites for prot 23, have plenty of black sorcerers casting magma eruption and use relief to make their fatigue go away.
Veni Vidi Visa - I came, I saw, I did some shopping