As far as a good one handed weapon, I advise one of the incomplete list so I'm sure there's other good one handed weapons.
Thorn Spear or Enchanted Spear (cheap and pretty effective)
Sword of Swiftness
Main Gauche of Parrying
Faithful (for luck)
Summer Sword (if with a hungry army)
and although I tend toward defensive items because of the good strength of most SC's, if you want more attack I'd definitely take an armor piercer, such as Fire Brand.
Honestly, the faithful is probably my most common choice, freeing up a misc slot even for something as simple as a bear claw talisman, barkskin amulet, cat charm, etc. is worth it.
Oh, and I think my wraith lord with flying boots, lucky/etheral, and Sun Slayer was among my more fun SC's. Call me evil but watching Sun Slayer in a fight is great fun.
Although my armored regenrating queen of water with a snake bladder stick and the sickle whose crop is pain was fun too. Free death gems for all.
[ January 22, 2004, 20:45: Message edited by: LordArioch ]