Thread: Carrion woods
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Old January 23rd, 2004, 01:52 AM

HJ HJ is offline
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Default Re: Carrion woods

A few quick and not-in-depth pointers:

- be aggressive since you have a destructive dominion

- be prepared to abandon your living troops fairly quicikly and go with undead/summons only

- remember that nature mages provide supplies

- you need panic apostates to summon carrion lords; carrion lord cannot summon carrion lord the way Ermor can summon dusk elder with dusk elder; hence, either protect the apostates you build early, or have your pretender designed to summon carrion lords, since you'll run out of money and depopulate your home province; it depends on whether you want to stay mostly death/nature in magic, or you want to branch out with your pretender (there are no random magic picks in carrion woods)

- forget the bless effects; black centaurs are capitol-only - you'll lose them quickly; likewise, priests (dryads) might be a problem, but you won't need them as much as your opponents

Carrion woods is an extremely flavourful theme, IMO. Have fun

[ January 22, 2004, 23:55: Message edited by: HJ ]
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