Thread: Game write-up
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Old February 16th, 2004, 01:59 AM

Norfleet Norfleet is offline
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Default Re: Game write-up

Originally posted by AStott:
In T'ien Ch'i, a demon possessed a herd of swine and ravaged the province for a week. That can't be good.
Is that an actual random event? I've never seen such a thing, it sounds immensely amusing.


Army Size: 5th in size, but only about 25% the size of the largest (Ermor)
Upkeep: 96
Ermor's army size doesn't really count, since their army is entirely one-dimensional and can vanish in massive clumps at once, whereas other people's armies don't. Ermor's army strength is largely illusionary, since their individual troops are grossly inferior to most units.
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