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Old February 10th, 2004, 06:50 AM
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Default Re: Kingdom of Karan - fix .... oops!

Originally posted by Zen:
I believe what he is saying is he's improved it and adjusted it enough to try to appeal to as many people as he could and now will let you change it and fix it how you'd like if you have any problems.
I understand that. Clearly. The point I was trying, not very well, to make is that those that download the file from IW, and do not take the time to read this forum thread, will get a Version that was not what he, apparently, intended them to see, else he would not have created any patch at all. Since he made the effort to provide a fix for the "wet" Version, it only makes sense that the fix for the "dry" Version also be provided. That is, assuming that the Version on the IW site is updated with the fix, or that IW hosts the patch file.

I fixed the problem for my own use. It's a trivial task. BTW, I know how to use GIMP and Photoshop so if there was anything about his map that I didn't like (and there isn't), I'm quite capable of tweaking it myself. I wouldn't pester Targa about it.

My post wasn't about my own desires. Try not to be so serious, Zen. I was trying to think about others who download this superb map from IW.
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