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Old February 10th, 2004, 05:56 PM

Targa Targa is offline
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Default Re: Kingdom of Karan - fix .... oops!

No worries. I understand my own viewpoint, as well as both of yours.

That being said, let me also state that this is not technically a "bug". If you were to play the dry Version, you'd have some instances where temple and/or castle sprites pushed into bordering provinces if you happened to build them in very small provinces. Not a game-killer, just looks kinda shabby. Also, the dry Version was added as a favor to those who dislike the "swim upriver" feature, and was sorta like an "unsupported Version" of the map. And Lastly, I don't even know if #defaultmapzoom 1.5 is going to make everything small enough to fit in small provinces. Even with that, people may still have the problem, simply because I didn't build a castle and temple in every single province to test it.

At any rate, just so I don't have any skeletons in my closet (and because Arryn does have a valid point, as well as guessing correctly that I'm a perfectionist), I've added #defaultmapzoom 1.5 to karan2.dry, zipped everything up in a new file, and sent it to Kris. This is the final Version of Kingdom of Karan.

As a final note: After spending 100+ hours (more or less....I didn't keep track) on this map, I'm tired of looking at it, posting polls to get input, tweaking, adjusting, and trying to keep everyone happy...and still getting complaints (like the borders being too hard to see). That's where I was coming from, and I think Zen knew that. Hey, it's a freebie, take what you can get people!
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