March 4th, 2004, 10:43 PM
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Re: Epic 2.08 Game
Originally posted by Norfleet:
I tried Doom Horrors earlier. They got wasted by Pythium. Clearly, Doom Horrors are not all they were cracked out to be, even though they totally own the AI and Indies.
Clearly? What did you send them against? They are not invincible, you know. And they are weak against afflictions, as are many units whose strength comes from their lifesteal ability. Did you give it a ring of regeneration and lucky amulet?
Note that if you're going to blow 100 pearls on a doom horror, spending 15 more gems on items is trivial. And empowering it in water (for quickness and breath of winter) or air (for mistform and mirror image) or fire (for fireshield) are virtually essential as well. A Pheonix Pyre'd 0-encumbrance life-stealing supercombattant is nearly invincible if Pheonix Pyre works. Only vulnerabilities would be... Drain Life spell and Curse.
[ March 04, 2004, 20:49: Message edited by: Saber Cherry ]