March 4th, 2004, 10:56 PM
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Re: Epic 2.08 Game
Originally posted by Saber Cherry:
Note that if you're going to blow 100 pearls on a doom horror, spending 15 more gems on items is trivial. And empowering it in water (for quickness and breath of winter) or air (for mistform and mirror image) or fire (for fireshield) are virtually essential as well. A Pheonix Pyre'd 0-encumbrance life-stealing supercombattant is nearly invincible if Pheonix Pyre works. Only vulnerabilities would be... Drain Life spell and Curse.
Yeah, I considered those options.
Then I figured if I was gonna go totally balls-to-the-wall with expenses, I may as well go for broke. The Doom Horror project got shelved.
That, and the problem of massing doom horrors is that it basically assures that my lab is going to burn down within 3 turns! As Ermor, this is particularly painful.