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Old March 20th, 2004, 04:26 AM
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Default Re: Game balance issues, again...

Originally posted by Arryn:
Hardly a stalemate when he has twice the clams, an Arcane Nexus feeding him free income from *your* spells, and the ability to outproduce you in Tartarians and other units that can eat juggernauts for snacks.
He gets absolutely no gems from any of my astral and blood spells, and there's no way he can outproduce wish produced blood slaves poured into the globals.

You might be safe, for a while, hiding in your capital, but even that wouldn't Last long after he'd conquered the rest of your realm. At which point you run the risk of losing via dominion ...
To do that he'd have to be able to produce juggernauts by the dozen.
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