April 2nd, 2004, 08:06 PM
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Re: Swarm: What do you do against it?
Originally posted by Sly Frog:
Yet I am stuck on swarm. I don't get what you can do against it. I'm playing Ulm, and this cheap to cast, easy to get spell basically ties up all of my troops, so that they are spending all their time attacking these stupid worthless dragonflies, while being whacked by larger more important enemy troops.
Had once similar trouble with summon imps. Staff of Storms helped quite a bit, for it keeps the annoying fliers on ground and they crawl slower than the other bad guys. Works until the opponent sets his druids up front. If you can build that.
Since you're playing Ulm, blade wind (or any low-damage mass spell)? You don't have to worry too much about friendly fire, Ulmians being well protected from all light ammo.
Or then, summons of your own? This of course depends on mages you've got available.
Not too much expertise under my belt, but those are things I'd try.