April 14th, 2004, 11:04 AM
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Re: Light Infantry... what the ****
Originally posted by Thilock_Dominus:
I would not say light Infantry sux. Ex. C'tis light Infantry armed with spear, javalin and shield can be quiet useful. An unit with 30 or more with light infantry can block off a heavy cavalry when its charging.
The light infantry can take out the heavy infantry if it gets its chance to hurling the javalins, the same goes against archers.
That's my experience with C'tis light infantry plus they are cheap
Javelins are quite nice, if you can manage to micromanage them so that your Javeliners can repeatedly target opposing HI while a small band of your HI pins opposing HI and distracts archers.
This strategy is very easy to disrupt however, and only really works against independents. Still, this alone saves Pangaea from completely sucking.