April 14th, 2004, 11:31 AM
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Re: Light Infantry... what the ****
Originally posted by Jondifool:
Well as the statements as I read them are that light inf isn't totally useless, but neither any particular good, it raises some other questions ( at least for me)
Is light infantery to expensive? In gold cost? should they be cheaper or recive a upkeep discount, to be more used/usefull or are the avarage 10 gp a fair price for a fooder unit?
As near as I can tell unit cost is based entirely on a unit's stats, and Illwinter seems very reluctant to change this.
IMHO, rather than reducing their cost and making them better fodder, they should instead be improved in a manner similar to how they were used Historically.
For example, what if they were dispersed and so took fewer missile/spell casualties? What if they could fallback before contract, or fire for 2 rounds then backup? What if a victor's fleeing units didn't leave the province? etc.
Then they might be usefull in small numbers, which IMHO is about right.