With the skaven army being SO diverse(even more then the orcs) they will be the most difficult to tranfer to Dom2. I have the basic units down but not their special abilities(most of which the game can not do(yet

)are of course not in. But there are thing I want to keep in the first mod very similar to the WHFB game and not just to it's history.
Like being able to get all units, and not being restricted(since that can not be done). Like fielding an army of Doomwheels would be absolutly AWSOME, but unlikely when considering how many resources it would take to build one.
For the slaves you could just make them small and cheap(like 1 gold ea) but increase their resource cost to 5 or 6. That cost being how many resources it takes to round them up.
I do not hink it would be possible to limit tan army to one grey seer except to make them too expensive, but then nobody would want them.
I love the plague censors, and wish to have them in the game but I can not figure it out, maybe give them a limited Version of the "Bile" ability as a weapon? Am gonna test that soon.
And if you do have any pics for the skaven I would love to see them, Mine are really terrible......really
As for the reinvigorate in the clan pestilense, you can increase their encumbrance, an increase the AP skill is all that is required, the only problem is the multiple attacks for leaders.Other then giving a general 4swords or a sword with 4 attacks, which you would have to give to magic items too(and that would bee too powerful), I do not see a way around that.
[ April 20, 2004, 00:00: Message edited by: Theldan ]