July 13th, 2004, 07:15 PM
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Re: Amazon Mod
Originally posted by PvK:
The only way I know to make a unit capitol-only, though, is to steal the unique Horse's Vale (?) site and mods its unit, but there are other mods that do that, which Amazon Empire mod would then become incompatible with, so maybe just wait for a mod command to do that.
You can do exactly the same thing with the Hidden Grove and change the Pandemoniac to your new unit. Since your mode replaces Pangaea it shouldn't be a problem at all.
Quite frankly, I don't think your mod needs an extra unit though. It's powerful enough as it is.
About bless strategies, I've found Earth-9 on Nightmares just rocks. 17 prot is decent for a cavalry unit, the extra reinvig comes handy since their other main weakness is their stratospherically high encumberance. And their Fear aura makes it like you have a powerful dual Earth/Death blessing. The aura works like a charm when you have enough of them. And OFC the reinvig is nice to have on priestesses - especially Crystal Amazons you use as communion slaves. Have an Onyx priestess/sorceress communion master boost that further with Summon Earthpower, add Relief support from Jade sorceresses, and you'll have to try real hard to lose a single communion slave to exhaustion.
God does not play dice, He plays Dominions Albert von Ulm