July 14th, 2004, 09:40 PM
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Re: OberFuhrer, the Hobourg Special Hero!!!
Originally posted by Karacan:
The game Bloodrayne is completely Banned in Germany, since it's all about blood and Nazis - you're playing a half-vampire bringing down several Nazi-installations. It's a very satisfying game, and I for one find it rather sad that german "violent" videogame players are deprived of humanoid victims I for one have a hard time feeling some kind of remorse for. Good thing I have english native friends.
I entirely blame this on the Allies. After the war, it seems a campaign of systematic spinectomy was performed upon the German people. This is truly sad and deplorable, and I personally find it to be reprehensible. I feel for you. I really do. How awful it must be, to be filled with this distaste for Nazism, yet be unable to blow them away in video games.