July 14th, 2004, 10:35 PM
Join Date: Dec 2003
Location: Würzbueg, Germany
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Re: OberFuhrer, the Hobourg Special Hero!!!
I entirely blame this on the Allies. After the war, it seems a campaign of systematic spinectomy was performed upon the German people. This is truly sad and deplorable, and I personally find it to be reprehensible. I feel for you. I really do. How awful it must be, to be filled with this distaste for Nazism, yet be unable to blow them away in video games.
Finally someone who understands my feelings . Seriously, you would not believe what strange ideas game developers have to make their games match german laws. In the old C&C games all human soldiers were exchanged with androids and red blood became black oil. In case of RTCW you actually fight the order of the wulf or something like that.
Ah, by the way, did I mention that killed enemies/hostages in CS dont die, they just sit down and stay there for the rest of the round? Jesus!