Re: The Ultimate Crystal Amazon Poll
I have never encountered Crystal Amazons.
I didnt vote in the poll, because I didnt understand it (1/4 of the time = what? of all games, all provinces, all turns?). It seems like someone who doesnt play the game religiously (HAHHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! oh sorry), but maybe only like 20 games total (so far), or do not play long games, or play only long games, will find "1/4 of the time" and "twice" to be very bizarre ways of gauging how often they are found.
I find Onyx and Jades quite often, usually one or the other in most SP games I play until turn 60-80ish or so (usually quit after then if I havent won already). I found Garnet ones only about thrice or four times, and I play waaaaay too much dominions. (I should play about 1/10th the amount I do, that would be healthy.)
I have never found crystal ones.