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Old September 15th, 2004, 04:13 PM
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Default Re: Map file editing (errors in Zen\'s Europe)

I'm not sure if there is a good mapmaking guide available. I'll give you some basic instructions.

Use a paint program that can store in TGA format, say photoshop or Gimp (very good and free).

You can use any picture as a map. A checker board will do fine. On each square you must place one white pixel. The white pixels define a province.

If you draw red (or reddish) borders between the squares the computer can calculate borders between the pixels. This is not 100% so you will have to use the editor to add or remove some borders.

Then you open the 'checkerboard.tga' in the map editor. New map: checkerboard.tga first time. Load map: next time.

Select province by right-clicking.

Add neighbours by left clicking ('alt'-click to remove border).

Change terrain and size of provinces.

Save as

When finished you can edit the to alter description, add special features independents and much more.

This is done in an ordinary texteditor (notepad or emacs).

Take a look at other '' files to get an idea on what can be done.

Good luck and ask if you have any questions. There are plenty of people here that can give you good advice.
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