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Old October 19th, 2004, 12:21 AM

deccan deccan is offline
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Default Re: The Dominions 3: \"Wishlist\"

It seems that quite a few people have requested that fast armies be allowed to catch up with slower ones on the strategic map. Why not use the movement system in SEIV?

For example, assuming that you want to impose a hardcoded maximum strategic movement of 10, then you would sub-divide each turn into 10 movement phases, and each movement phase can have its own battle if at the conclusion of the phase, more than one army occupies a province.

So, a Doom Horror with strategic movement of 10 would be able to move 1 province during each phase. A heavy infantry unit with strategic movement 1 would only move 1 province each turn and get to move only on phase 10 (the Last movement phase of the turn). A heavy cavalry unit with strategic movement 2 would get to move 2 provinces each turn, meaning that it moves once on phase 9 and again on phase 10. A light cavalry unit with strategic movement 3 would get to move on phases 8, 9 and 10 and so forth.

This way a heavy cavalry unit chasing a heavy infantry unit would catch up with the heavy infantry unit because it moves on phase 9, before the HI moves.
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