Re: The Dominions 3: \"Wishlist\"
I want multiple fort building options.
It's apparent that the fortification selection for a nation is a key balance factor in the nation, but it seems excessively and artificially limiting to me to only allow exactly one fort design for the whole nation.
Maybe reduce the cost of forts in the design phase by 20% or so and allow you to 'buy' multiple fort plans -- as many as you want to pay for. Then in play when you construct the thing you get options of all the fort designs you paid for. Is it a bad thing to have different design and building strategies for different needs: high defence fort in those chokepoints, quick building tower when you need it NOW, high admin for production centers, etc.? Maybe when you seige/capture an enemy fortress you can learn that design and add it to your nations build list, or have certain heroes or site-recruitable units which come with 'plans' for other forts. I guess I hear the howls of agony from the anti-mad-castling contingent now....