Re: The Dominions 3: \"Wishlist\"
Err, how is 'measured' what most folks like and dislike? I just urgently need to agree to some of the suggestion made and repeat and comment further on them:
- I would really like to see terrain affecting battles in both ways: terrain affecting e.g. mounted units in tactical ways (e.g. have some obstacles within the battle field like those castle moats), and effecting stats (Why are Pangaea's units as effective in Wastlands as in Forests?).
- Also I like to see that the survival skill for each terrain would enable a unit to attack one province further into enemy territory if both provinces have the proper type - or maybe roll over slightly defended provinces (ie. if the battle was resolved in less than X turns, then move to the second target province, where the auto-route will happen Y turns earlier, where Y is the number of battle rounds the previous battle Lasted. Fatigue,HP,etc. should be kept as well).
- I also support a proper not-so random movement initiative system, encouraging the use of light cavalry! Quick-moving armies having sufficient scouting fascilities should also be able to patrol more than one province and defend them against slower moving attackers!
- Dom3 definitely needs a waypoint system! I would not require the PC to figure out the shortest route, but I want to manually set way point(s) for each commander. They do not need to affect anything, all they would do is reminding the player where he planned to move his units the turn before... (generally add reminding-fascilities for the feebleminded players like me! Its a pain to write down all my plans for each commander on paper!)