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Old October 23rd, 2004, 11:55 AM
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Default Re: Jotunheim: Niefelheim AAR

TURN 14:

Provinces: 7
Treasury: 354
Income: 515
Upkeep: 158
RP Total: 48
Forts: 1
Temples: 1
Max Dom: 6
Conv Prov: 12

Alteration: 3
Construction: 3 (+48)
Blood Magic:

Gem Income
Air: 5 (+1)
Water: 7 (+4)
Astral: 2 (+0/2)
Death: 33 (+3)

I will put the astral income as (+sites/clams)

~ Abysia sends me a message, “We shall burn your nation to the ground!
~ Construction 3 has been completed.
~ There was a battle in (180) Suddeir Down.

Yikes! I love how Abysia goes to war with you, heheh.

For defenders, there are 2 Mounted Commanders, 11 Heavy Infantry, and 10 Heavy Cavalry. At least this Version of Heavy Cavalry has the light lance as a weapon, but I notice the hoof attack is 10 damage, ouch! After scripting their spells, both Vaklidun and Gotvid have 38 fatigue. After the initial Cavalry charge, I do not lose any units, but two Jotuns only have 21 and 2 hps left. 1 of these Jotuns dies the next round, but then the enemy routs and I take the province with only one lost Jotun Huskarl. Gotvid has a hard time with his new encumbrance of 9 and tires out quickly. Hopefully the wraith sword will overcome this penalty easy enough once I can get one. I also notice that one of my winter wolves loses an eye.

After the battle, I group all of my Jotuns together in a squad and end up with 12 total. I also notice that my new province has a Library! Excellent! Now I can recruit sages for 80 gold for 7 RPs each. This should greatly help my research efforts and allow me to get some random 1 elemental mages.

Dante’s Stingers were recruited by Vanheim.
The Archers in White are still employed by T’ien Ch’i.
The rest of the mercs are now gone.

J=Jotunheim, I=Indep., Mg=Marignon

J 6 (207) Yldemir – Capitol – 100/0 (30350, 213, 155, 414) 25 Def
J 6 (208) Farsen Forest – Forest – 100/0 (7280, 43, 33, 167) 5 Def
J 4 (218) East Farsen Forest – Forest – 100/0 (9780, 52, 30, 185) 5 Def
J 6 (202) High Yldemir – Forest – 100/0 (7250, 29, 32, 158) 5 Def
J 6 (195) Oeversee – Plains – 100/0 (10410, 53, 20, 208) 5 Def
I 4 (212) West Farsen Forest – Forest – (80),(70),30,60,60,40,60,70,90,40,90 Barbarians
J 6 (180) Suddeir Down – Plains – 60/19 (9870, 44, 18, 193) 0 Def
J 6 (183) North Horslund Forest – Forest – 80/6 (8970, 36, 30, 167) 5 Def
I 1 (216) Frostwater – Mountain – (40) Light Infantry/Militias
I -1 (205) Aeros River – Mountain – (30) Militias/Archers/Heavy Infantry
I 5 (166) Horslund Forest – Forest – (40),50,40 Barbarians
I 2 (165) Tolk – Farm Lands – (80),50 Crossbowmen/Heavy Cavalry
I 3 (152) South Horslund Forest – Forest – (50),(60),(40),(40),(40),(40) Light Infantry/Heavy Infantry
Mg -1 (146) Vorgunmarsh – Swamp
I ? (193) Upper Skelde – Farm Lands – (50),(50),(50),(30) Militias/Longbowmen/Knights
Mg 0 (141) The Sinking Land – Farm Lands
I ? (189) Skelde Henge – Plains – (20) Tribal Cavalry
Mg ? (179) Braegen Marches – Plains
? ? (169) Skeldmarsh – Swamp
? ? (170) Oast Hills – Farm Lands – (9) Heavy Infantry
? ? (153) Golana – Swamp
? ? (161) Bolfar – Farm Lands
? ? (187) Godsgrave Pass – Mountain
? ? (172) Mount Isen – Plains

I forget to write down the paths of my new Gygja, but think it has at least 1S finally. I leave province defense in (180) at 0 so that I make sure I have enough gold next turn to build a castle in (180) to protect my new sages that I plan to recruit.

I have Gotvid build a lab in (180) to be able to recruit sages. Vaklidun and Freke will search for magic sites while they wait.

I give the two new clams of pearls to 2 of my Gygja.

I have all of my mages in the capitol research construction with a total of 48 RPs. I only have 93 RPs left to get to construction 4 and will get there in 2 turns.
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