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Old October 24th, 2004, 11:43 AM
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Default Re: OT - US Presidential Candiates Arrested!

alarikf said:What I really should have said was this: in countries where the state religion is Islam, women have a varying degree of structural, insituational and cultural hurdles to overcome. In some cases, these can be extremely oppressive, in others, almost non-existent.
Right. Its very different in Indonesia, Algeria, Albania, Bandladesh, Malaysia, Morocco, Somalia, Turkey, Nigeria. The countries with the largest muslim populations arent even in the arabian desert.

What we see are really a few women who feel they should not have to follow the local customs. It makes big news because their action agrees with our customs and rights. Im not saying they shouldnt have that right but its not some huge revolution.

They have the same problem looking at our countries. They find it odd that they CANNOT wear their veils whereever they want, Or that american muslims would hear "go back where you came from". To them, the big news would be the american woman who's husband can actually MAKE her get a job, Or can actually kick her out with no support unless she goes to a court and demands money.

Oh, and, hey, you think NY or Boston drivers are agressive? Man, you haven't seen aggressive until you've seen how women in Tehran drive! Seriously.
Do they have "asma Allah" bumper stickers? The will of Allah which actually has legal precedent in their courts.
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