Re: Jotunheim: Niefelheim AAR
TURN 24:
Provinces: 9
Treasury: 389
Income: 662
Upkeep: 275
RP Total: 71
Forts: 3
Temples: 3
Max Dom: 6
Conv Prov: 15
Conjuration: 5
Alteration: 3
Construction: 4
Enchantment: 2 (+71)
Blood Magic:
Gem Income
Air: 14 (+2)
Water: 13 (+4)
Earth: 7 (+1)
Astral: 9 (+3/5)
Death: 37 (+6)
Nature: 2 (+2)
~ Enchantment 1 and 2 have been completed.
~ Gisli and Angerboda did not find any magic sites.
~ There was a battle in (152) South Horslund Forest.
Oops, looks like I made a big mistake. I forgot to put my units to Move and Patrol and my main army went and hid inside the castle in (152). Marignon took over the province with 68 units and is now attacking the castle. I am under siege, but they are unable to damage the walls. My PD was only able to manage to kill 2 of their units before routing.
The Lost Legion is still employed by Vanheim.
Dagan, the Renegade Sage is still employed by Ctis.
Burelks City Guard is now employed by Tien Chi.
The Green Horde is now available, Murong Chui commands 40 men for 300 gold.
J=Jotunheim, I=Indep., Mg=Marignon, Py=Pythium
J 6 (207) Yldemir Capitol 100/0 (31570, 223, 173, 421) 25 Def
J 6 (208) Farsen Forest Forest 100/0 (7470, 40, 33, 147) 5 Def
J 6 (218) East Farsen Forest Forest 100/0 (10080, 58, 30, 206) 5 Def
J 6 (202) High Yldemir Forest 100/0 (7530, 41, 33, 174) 5 Def
J 6 (195) Oeversee Plains 100/0 (10810, 81, 8, 211) 5 Def
I 6 (212) West Farsen Forest Forest (80),(70),30,60,60,40,60, 70,90,40,90,70,50,50,90, 40,40,70,70,90,70 Barbarians
J 6 (180) Suddeir Down Plains 100/0 (10270, 70, 106, 287) 15 Def
J 6 (183) North Horslund Forest Forest 100/0 (9330, 51, 31, 197) 5 Def
I 3 (216) Frostwater Mountain (40) Light Infantry/Militias
I 1 (205) Aeros River Mountain (30) Militias/Archers/Heavy Infantry
J 6 (166) Horslund Forest Forest 100/0 (9250, 57, 34, 209) 11 Def
I 6 (165) Tolk Farm Lands (80),50,90,80,(60),40,90,(70),(70),80,70,50 Crossbowmen/Heavy Cavalry
Mg 6 {Siege} (152) South Horslund Forest Forest - 100/16 (9130, 52, 30, 180) 0 Def
J 5 (146) Vorgunmarsh 100/0 (2200, 7, 20, 103) 11 Def
I -1 (193) Upper Skelde Farm Lands (50),(50),(50),(30),(50), (30),(30),(60),(50),(40), (30),(40),(40),(50) Militias/Longbowmen/Knights
Mg 6 (141) The Sinking Land Farm Lands
I ? (189) Skelde Henge Plains (20) Tribal Cavalry
Mg ? (179) Braegen Marches Plains
? ? (169) Skeldmarsh Swamp
? ? (170) Oast Hills Farm Lands (9) Heavy Infantry
? ? (153) Golana Swamp
? ? (161) Bolfar Farm Lands
? ? (187) Godsgrave Pass Mountain
? ? (172) Mount Isen Plains
Mg -1 (136) Toemuck Fen Swamp
Py -5 (123) Madderein Swamp
Mg -3 (143) Wisps Home Swamp
Marignon now has 40 Crossbowmen and Halberdiers in (136) and a single Inquisitor in (141). Pythium has taken over the province (123) and has an army of 70 Militias, Spring Hawks, and Alae Legionnaires.
My income is really starting to drop off more than I would like. I really need to get that 2nd army going and taking some provinces. Gramner is my new Niefel Jarl and he takes the Skull Staff, gathers up all of the Jotun Spearmen in my castle (5 of them) and casts Revive Bane Lord.
I have my Gygja forge 2 Wraith Swords and 2 Pendants of Luck. I need to alchemize 2D to 1S to complete the 2nd one. Oligar is my new sage and is 1E. I have one of my 1A sages forge some Winged Shoes.
I recruit 2 Niefel Giants and 2 Jotun Spearmen in my capitol.
Angerboda moves to province (183) to continue searching.
My main army in the castle in (152) will Break Siege and try to eliminate Marignons sieging army. Hopefully Marignon will not continue further into my lands.
The rest of my mages will continue to research Enchantment with 71 RPs.