Re: Jotunheim: Niefelheim AAR
TURN 27:
Provinces: 11
Treasury: 397
Income: 688
Upkeep: 300
RP Total: 101
Forts: 3
Temples: 3
Max Dom: 6
Conv Prov: 15
Conjuration: 5
Alteration: 3
Construction: 4 (+44)
Enchantment: 4 (+57)
Blood Magic:
Gem Income
Air: 5 (+2)
Water: 5 (+4)
Earth: 10 (+1)
Astral: 25 (+3/6)
Death: 22 (+8)
Nature: 8 (+2)
~ Atlantis has made the King of the Deep named Ctalou its prophet.
~ There was a battle in (212) West Farsen Forest.
As defenders there are 2 barbarian chiefs, 28 barbarians with mauls, and 33 barbarians with great swords. Yikes, that is a lot of barbarians. The battle ends up going very well, though. I lose no units, but one of my ice drakes has acquired 2 wounds. Still, I am quite pleased with the results.
Master Gibur is still employed by Marignon.
Dagan, the Renegade Sage is still employed by Vanheim.
Burelks City Guard is now employed by Ctis.
The Farstrikers are now employed by Abysia.
Magnuss Crossbows are now available, Rolf Magnus commands 20 men for 120 gold.
J=Jotunheim, I=Indep., Mg=Marignon, Py=Pythium
J 6 (207) Yldemir Capitol 100/0 (32220, 241, 169, 455) 25 Def
J 6 (208) Farsen Forest Forest 80/7 (7600, 42, 33, 162) 11 Def
J 6 (218) East Farsen Forest Forest 100/0 (10280, 62, 30, 221) 11 Def
J 6 (202) High Yldemir Forest 100/0 (7680, 43, 33, 176) 11 Def
J 6 (195) Oeversee Plains 90/3 (11010, 51, 6, 212) 11 Def
J 6 (212) West Farsen Forest Forest 20/31 (7370, 20, 22, 146) 11 Def
J 6 (180) Suddeir Down Plains 100/0 (10470, 74, 102, 288) 15 Def
J 6 (183) North Horslund Forest Forest 100/0 (9530, 54, 31, 200) 11 Def
I 3 (216) Frostwater Mountain (40),50 Light Infantry/Militias
I 1 (205) Aeros River Mountain (30),20 Militias/Archers/Heavy Infantry
J 6 (166) Horslund Forest Forest 100/0 (9450, 54, 13, 199) 11 Def
I 6 (165) Tolk Farm Lands (80),50,90,80,(60),40,90, (70),(70),80,70,50,100,70,40 Crossbowmen/Heavy Cavalry
J 6 (152) South Horslund Forest Forest - 100/0 (9330, 52, 96, 290) 21 Def
J 5 (146) Vorgunmarsh 100/0 (2200, 11, 22, 103) 13 Def
I -1 (193) Upper Skelde Farm Lands (50),(50),(50),(30),(50), (30),(30),(60),(50),(40), (30),(40),(40),(50),(40),(40),(50) Militias/Longbowmen/Knights
Py 5 (141) The Sinking Land Farm Lands
Mg ? (189) Skelde Henge Plains (20) Tribal Cavalry
Mg ? (179) Braegen Marches Plains
? ? (169) Skeldmarsh Swamp
? ? (170) Oast Hills Farm Lands (9) Heavy Infantry
? ? (153) Golana Swamp
? ? (161) Bolfar Farm Lands
? ? (187) Godsgrave Pass Mountain
? ? (172) Mount Isen Plains
Py -1 (136) Toemuck Fen Swamp
Py -5 (123) Madderein Swamp
Mg -2 (143) Wisps Home Swamp
Pythium now has in (141) 40 Velites, Alae Legionnaires, and a huge Hydra and in (123) has about 10 Alae Legionnaires. Pythiums province of (136) appears to have no enemy units.
I set the PDs of all provinces up to at least 11 and the PD of (152) up to 21, and (146) to 13.
Arnold is my new sage and is 1F. This turn I recruit another sage. Angerboda will search province (166) for magic sites.
I send my first army off to attack Pythium in the province (141). My 2nd army moves on to attack the next province in the west (216). Erik the Gode and Aurgelmer my new scout move to province (212).
I have Sif the Gygja take the Skull Staff and summon another Bane Lord this turn and Aude forges another Pendant of Luck. I will have my new Bane Lord take a pair of Winged Shoes and hurry south to help in the wars in the swamps.
The rest of my mages will continue to research Enchantment with 57 RPs and will complete Enchantment 5. They continue to research Construction with the remaining 44 RPs.