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Old November 7th, 2004, 04:04 AM

FarAway Pretender FarAway Pretender is offline
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Default Newbie ?? re: Spell Damage

I'm wondering if somebody can help me understand (or point me to a reference work that explains) how different types of spell damage get calculated.

Star Fire is listed as doing "5+ armor negating" damage. Am I correct to assume this means actual damage to an opponent would be: (5+2open-ended d6) - (2d6 OE), with no bonus for Armor? I assume this is also the way Lightning Bolt, Orb Lighting, and Thunder Strike work, and haven't been able to find instances where it doesn't happen...

Fire Darts are listed as doing "10 AP" damage. Does this mean damage is:

(10 + 2d6 OE) - ((Protection/2)+ 2d6 OE); or
(10) - ((Protection/2) + 2d6 OE); or just
10 - (Protection/2)

Similarly, Astral Fires is listed as doing "10 AN" damage, if the victim fails an MR. I assume this is:

10 - 2d6 OE (Armor is negated)

After much experimenting, I often only do a couple points damage to targets with this spell, and I've never been able to confirm that I ever do more than 10, even against big targets like Jotun units?

Do I also do more damage with some (all?) spells if I'm higher level in that Magic? Does a Fireball cast by a Lvl 9 Fire spellcaster do any more damage than the same Fireball cast by a Lvl. 2 Fire spellcaster? If there is any bonus, does it apply to all damage-dealing spells, or only some?

Any guidance any body could offer would be much appreciated!
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