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Old November 17th, 2004, 09:21 PM
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Default Re: Why whould you ever choose Mictlan?

Nappa said:
What is the differance between a 1b with sanguine rod blood hunter and a 2b with sanguine rod blood hunter? nobody has discussed that and from my observations, the 2b with SR bloodhunters do much better.
Do you get more bloodslaves per gold invested with the 2b? I doubt it. Although ultimately, it depends on how much gold a bloodslave is worth to you, but usually it's not worth the extra expense.

If the primary advantage of Mictlan is the efficient bloodhunting, do people play by creating a strong early bloodhunting economy and quickly getting the devil factories going
Well, it's the main point of the theme.

and ignoring their substandard troops?
They're poor quality, anyway don't ignore them completely - there are a few battle enchantments you can use to augment them. I've seen someone use an emergency levy of the crappiest slinger type once, about 80 of them, and annihilate an AE army 5 times its size (mostly soulless and longdead infantry, though) with only minimal priestly support - 4 or 5 mage-priests I think. Flaming Arrows did most of the killing. Not sure if Mass Protection was also up, anyway Mictlan had something like 20 or 25 casualties. Not bad for crappy slingers.

Maybe using a SC pretender for initial expansion?
That's common practice.

What are the succesful strategies for Mictlan?
Many, as long as they're bloody strategies.
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