Nagot Gick Fel said:
Peter Ebbesen said:
Nagot Gick Fel said
Correct, if you assume the Acolyte loses all his usefulness as soon as the Mictlan priest reaches the end of his own life expectancy. Otherwise, it's pretty bad maths, and since living Acolytes are more useful to me than dead priests, I'd be glad to keep on paying the former's upkeep.
Be nice. You have not done anything to show that the Acolyte should have a longer average life expectancy than a priest save the hypothetical "if an average Priest lived 10 turns shorter than a 30 turn average Acolyte due to fires from afar",
My mistake, I didn't because I thought that's what you were implying yourself. First you assume a bloodhunter's life expectancy is 30 turns, then you write
To take your Sanguine Acolyte example, it does not make much sense to me to state that they only cost 20% more (100 gold vs 80 gold) for their extra (admittedly good) effects, when even a mere 10 round life expectancy changes the relative costs to 107 vs 167, or a cost of 56% more.
...and here I assumed you were comparing both types' costs over 20 turns (thus the 20 vs 30 confusion) - but I was wrong: 107 is actually the cost of a Mictlan priest over only 10 turns. It makes your 56% figure look even more unfair to the Acolyte. What do you mean with these 56%? That a Mictlan priest who's alive for 10 turns and dead for another 10 turns is 56% more useful than an Acolyte who can harvest slaves for 20 turns? This comparison doesn't make sense to me.
I was comparing 10 turns vs 10 turns as an alternative to the 30 turns vs 30 turns first postulated by me. I.e. in both cases, I was assuming that Acolytes and Priests had essentially the same average lifetime, but, since the longer life expectancy one examines the more the equations favour Mictlan, I chose to consider the special case of an insanely low low life expectancy (10) compared to the one I usually use (30). In other words, even in a heavy spell and battle environment where you can only expect a blood hunter to survive for 10 turns, you are still getting significantly more blood for the buck as Mictlan.