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Old November 19th, 2004, 09:11 AM

Peter Ebbesen Peter Ebbesen is offline
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Default Re: Summoning guide for dummies?

Jarkko said:
Aka what I am looking for is a few "key"-summonings, that hardly never is a bad choice but usually is an excellent choice Or is the thing really self-evident, and all I need is to get more games played and eventually I won't be trampled (so badly at least) anymore?
Hi Jarkko. It depends on which role you want to fill out, really, but you are never going to go wrong by getting SCs.

SCs: Queen of Elemental Air, Tartarian (with Gift of Reason and Gift of Health/Chalice)

Thug: Bane Lord, Wraith Lord

Mage, diverse: Lamia Queen, Spectre (and some Tartarians)

Mage, high level: Any Elemental Royalty, Faery Queen, Treelords, Couatls, (Arch Angel - a desperate way to reach base FFF) (and some Tartarians)

Dangerous Self Defense in own Dominion: Demilich, Wraith Lord

Diseased Wimp: Black Servant. (Primarily used to hold a fever fetish and perhaps a clam while hiding in a safe fortress protected by troops and domes)

  • Vine Men/Vine Ogres - good cannon fodder in the early game with the right cheap equipment if you have access to cheap nature mages.
  • Enliven Statues - especially with a high-level earth mage for lots of tough troops. Lifeless so no health gain for nasty thugs or SCs with life drain.
  • Lamias - easy to mass with the help of Lamia Queens
  • Kithairionic Lions - very strong troops mid-game but do not age well
  • Ghosts - deadly in large numbers
  • Mandragoras - if your enemy likes flying thugs and SCs into melee without sufficient backup, Mandragoras can be a remarkably effective cheapo defense.
  • Mechanical Men - useful against people who rely on elemental damage. Also lifeless.
  • Pales Riders - lots of longdead cavalry (with lances) at a low cost - good to flesh out the ranks.
  • Behemoth - a 104 hp trampling undead elephant can come in useful for some nations - but not a must-summon.
  • Legion of Wights - 20 undead very heavy infantry with bane blades? What's not to like?
  • Abominations - expensive but nasty critters. Come with MR 20, HP 266, regeneration and three life drain attacks. Perhaps too expensive - not a must summon.
  • Juggernauts - they look funny.
  • Iron Dragons - expensive but nasty critters. Trampling elemental immune mechanical dragons with good protection. Perhaps too expensive - not a must summon.

Those were all non-blood. For blood magic, get any and all uniques you can get your hand on - they are all worth it, and get Vampire Lords in you want to create a Vampire Realm instead of a Devil Realm. The 9 level mass troops summoning spells are also quite useful, especially the mass storm demon summon. (flying, ethereal, lightning immune)
When I said Death before Dishonour, I meant alphabetically.
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