PDF said:
Uh, yes, but why don't you think Boron's advice to be usable in MP ?
Looks great to me (if not particularly original)
Do you think in a reasinably competitive MP you'll get enough time/find enough earth gems (from 10-12 searched provinces) to "first" forge 10-15 Hammers (why "first" BTW? Does it means, even before SDRs?) and have Forge up? While we're at it, like any other blood nation Mictlan does best on site-poor maps (the poorer the better), so that's the kind of game setup you should look for - and consequently, it'll make a site-searching rainbow pretender even less desirable.
Clamming with Mictlan, why not - if you like to turtle? But I'd bet an MP game will be decided long before you can empower and equip an astral-4 GK to the point he can wish for more blood. The fact that Mictlan needs to push its research in Blood Magic as well as the other schools doesn't help here. I'd say the "Focus on that" (ie, clamming) advice is a recipe for disaster in MP.
Empowering a death mage in blood to get Vampire Lords - what a waste of blood slaves, especially if you want "to get Conjuration 6 or even 7 quickly". If you can't get the undead hero, Lamia Queens are bot cheap and effective death mages with 2 sorcery picks. I'd rather burn 15 nature gems/turn until I get one with a blood pick or 2, rather than empower a necromancer.
"And the only non-capitol only mage is the B - priest which is for nothing else useful than bloodhunting + bloodsacrificing". Under Boron's magic+3 scale, he's a damn good magic researcher as well, cost-wise. If Boron doesn't use them for research duty, I wonder how he ever get Wish, Vampire Lords, Ivy Kings, etc. Or I must assume he's incredibly lucky with Sage sites.