archaeolept said:
again, one may not have water 3 on one's pretender. the thread is about mictlan pretenders, not solely those w/ water 3 ;p - the point replied to was "why one would ever go to construction 6".
Well, I read this subthread slightly differently - to me it went like this
archaeolept said:
Nagot Gick Fel said:
archaeolept said:
Nagot Gick Fel said:
Zen said:
I almost always capitalize on the Magic 2 + Mictlan Priest spam, rush to Ice Devils and take a Pretender that can summon Ice Devils, worrying about equipping them later.
Or a pretender who can forge a Robe of the Sea (contruction 2). May look expensive at 20 gems, but if Blue Dragons are your style, it's still cheaper than giving blood magic to your pretender.
the problem there is that mictlan can only count on 1 water/turn, unless he's willing to alchemize his also limited astral income. might as well rush construction 6 
Not my opinion, and I'd bet it isn't Zen's opinion either, for exactly the same reason - or then he wouldn't be so adamant about giving his pretender the required skills to summon IDs. Even if he didn't say it, I believe he'd beeline for Construction 4 before rushing for Ice Devils - because SDRs are just that important, as they double your Priests' output. When I play a Blue Dragon, my research plan is Alt 2 (Quickness), Ench 2 (BoW) - ie, giving the Dragon what he needs to fight efficiently -, then Constr 4 for SDRs - this also gives the Robe, the Brazen Vessel (ie, what a Rain Priest needs to summon IDs), as well a bit of gear to enhance the Dragon's survavibility. Then straight to Blood 5, and by the time I get there, there are just enough gems in the lab to forge a Robe, or close. So why would I ever push for Construction 6?
if you didn't put water 3 on your pretender 
...which was obviously implied since the beginning.
certainly when I spoke about going to construction 6 I was not considering myself to have taken Water-3 . Taking water 3 and forging a robe is plausible, in certain circumstances, of course (like a water dragon).
OK, then we never were on the same wavelength - and I'll agree with you on that - Mictlan definitelty needs Construction 6 before starting to summon Ice Devils without water magic on its pretender. Question closed.
side note: I don't think "gosses" is much in vogue as an offensive slang term. you might get a smile though 
I never implied it was offensive. In mainland France, "gosses" just means "kids", and I've been told by friends who went to Québec (and made the mistake I related) it was used for something completely different here. When you say "Let me show you a photo of my kids" and they understand "let me show you a photo of my ..." (well something Tarzan has a pair of, and Jane hasn't), it's still somewhat... embarassing.