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Old December 1st, 2004, 01:19 PM

Tuna Tuna is offline
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Default Re: Dom3 will be what?? Some annoying questions

I feel your pain.

I would gladly pay for Dom3, if they did not add a single nation/trinket/unit/whatever, but spent all their time improving the UI. Simple stuff like chaining any orders, placing more than one mage in the recruit queue, taking money only for the troopers recruited this turn, not everyone in the queue, autotax feature, some way to automatize sitesearching (giving sitesearch spells more than one target and they cast it in all those targets until they run out?), having commaders yell "hey, I'm unoccupied!" when they are, filtering the message list from the same screen, ete etc.

I can but hope at least some of that gets in.
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