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Old December 1st, 2004, 10:49 PM
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Default Re: question on castle storming

Merry Jolkar said:
1) If I storm with the force already seiging the castle, will they enter the castle and have an opportunity to kill the sole remaining soldier before his forces can come to the rescue?
Nope. Storming a castle is the Last and final battle in a turn. Magical battles (Only from independent sending spells like ghost riders), then siege breakers and reinforcements from other provinces, then the castle gets stormed.

2) If he and I both send our forces from adjacent provinces, will we fight outside the castle, or will the forces friendly to the castle enter the castle and help defend it?
Anybody set to break siege will fight in the same battle as anybody moving in from an outside province.

3) If my current sieging forces can expunge the one soldier left defending, and he moves in, does he then wind up sieging?
He'll move in before you get a chance to storm the castle, so this can't occur.
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