First, I take back my suggestion about using rectangles with area that correspods to troops instead of troops in the power of 2. Seeing 20 militia producing four times as large rectangle area as 10 militia must have been an artifact of zooming out the map too much. So it's already as i wished it to be.
SurvivalistMerc said:
I find the correspondence to "squares of troops" to actually be useful. I would of course prefer for it to give me a rough idea of army strength. (Black plate infantry should produce a bigger square than militia perhaps.)
Using squares of troops rather than troops gives a better idea of how powerful the force is. Because one Jotun is significantly more powerful than one regular-sized unit. That is true for most of the larger units.
As this post was written in response to me and I cannot understand what it's about, i guess there might have been some misunderstandings.
What i meant was that when you have size 10 army (no matter if it's units or sum of unit sizes or whatever way you measure it), and you draw a rectangle 10 X 10, then the area of the rectangle corresponts to the
square of army size. To get area that corresponds to army size, you would need sqrt(10) X sqrt(10) rectangle.