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Old December 3rd, 2004, 07:15 AM
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Default Avoiding stale turns...

I am switchting regularly between three computers in order to play Dom2. I am involved in MP games which are Quickhoststed. How can I safely check whether the game has already hosted without destroying the uploaded turn in the case that I do not have access to the computer that I have submitted the turn form? Without Mosehansen's interface, this seems impossible to me, is it?

If you log onto the server from the machine that you have played on, but do not give the password, it let's you view this overview, where you can see who has played, and who is connected. Since you did not give your password, your turn is not altered and everything is well, but...

If I log onto the server from another machine (where an older turn of that particular game is present) without giving the password, it ask again and eventually returns me to the Dom2-main menu, so I cannot see whether the game hosted or not.

The problem is: If I log in from another machine giving the password, then it overwrites the uploaded turn immediately with an empty turn, right? (I think people have said things like this here in the forum, but I am not sure and I do not want to find that out by the hard way.)
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