Re: The Dominions 3: \"Wishlist\"
P.S. But despite what I just said about heroic abilities and RPGs, my wishlist definitely falls into this priority order:
1. Better UI
* reduce unnecessary clicking to see the information I want to see (e.g. configuring a large army with many commanders and units)
* less micro-management (e.g. taxes)
* reduce unnecessary clicking to do the action I want to do (e.g. when I do alchemy, just use the best alchemist who is currently in a laboratory)
2. More mechanisms made visible.
* e.g. how much contribution is made by what kind of units to rebuilding or tearing down castle walls? I don't want to read through a manual, read through forum Posts, and do a bunch of arithmetic on a napkin, I want to SEE it happening. See also the next wishlist item.
3. Simpler rules. There are too many damn rules. If dom3 adds more rules and more exceptions and more terms to the algebraic equations that determine what happens, I am going to scream.
* Why not eliminate some of the less important features, like maybe repelling, or morale checks? Notice that I think of eliminating features which are less "visible" to me.
* Why not simplify the equations that determine what happens? Maybe some things like the effects of fatigue no longer get randomized (33% chance of reducing your armor at fatigue > 50 blah blah blah) but instead are simple and deterministic (your armor = your armor - your fatigue).
4. Better graphics and sound effects. (I know, this one is potentially difficult.)
5. Tweaked style of play, e.g. more RPG flavor.
6. More balance. Let N be the number of different strategies that an experienced player will attempt when playing against other experienced players. Now let N go to infinity!
7. Better combat AI.
8. Programmability for modding battle and strategic AIs. The simplest way to do this is just to open up and document the turn file (for strategic AI) and to invent a "per-battle-turn battle turn file" (for battle AI).
9. More units, more magic items, more spells, more nations, more gods.
NOT-A-WISH 10. Something I really do not want to see is increased scriptability and micromanagement such as the frequently requested deeper queues of scripted spells.
The difference between #8 and #10 is that #8 is something that a programmer does and then every player uses it, exactly like a mod. #10 is something that each player does to use for himself against the other players.
Thanks for listening! Or actually if you aren't listening, thanks for not banning me from the forum in order to prevent me from posting.