Chazar, I believe there is a "-postexec" command line parameter for Dominions 2. The server admin could (theoretically) send out mails to all the players involved in that game. Unfortunately:
1) I've heard that this parameter does not work?
2) It would require the server admin to keep track of people's emails
An alternate way to do it would be to use ASP or some other server-scripting language to just inform you about the state of the game. For example, you could write some ASP which would just look at the game directory and have a simple output like:
Last Turn on: 08:23 Dec 3, 2004
Abysia turned on: 21:09 Dec 2, 2004
Caelum turned on: 08:20 Dec 3, 2004
For an example of the ASP function I am thinking of, look at: