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Old December 7th, 2004, 12:51 PM

Kaljamaha Kaljamaha is offline
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Default Banefire Question?

Is there a central theme to what exactly banefire is? I ask because I had the following happen to me:

I was fighting Marignon, and summoned Anthrax to my aid. Now, Anthrax has a banefire shield (15 ap, ouch!) and banefire strike for a weapon. Marignon sent Summer Lions against me. Now, I find it quite odd that Anthrax didn't inflict any damage with his (its?) banefire strike, I assume because the lions are immune to fire, but they died to his banefire shield. Eh? I haven't tried the spell banfire against fire immune critters, so I don't know how that works. Oh, and Anthrax also had Fire Shield up, if that makes any difference.

Anybody have insights?

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