CJN said:
1. What is the best way for infantry nations (Abysia, Jotunheim, ...) for dealing with enemy cavalry? Spearmen if available? Mages? Summons?
(Assuming 'cavalry' refers to HC/knights
Spearmen: they were a very effective counter to shock cavalry in ancient warfare, not so in Dominions. High damage weapons (like battleaxes) is what you want.
Mages: Abysia's magic is good vs armor (many fire-based evocations deal armor-piercing damage). And Incinerate is a 99% guaranteed dead HC/cast. Jotunheim (especially Utgard) can use the Eagle Eyes/Tangle Vines to good effect very early - a Jotun spearman can kill an entangled knight with a single blow ~80% of the time.
Summons: my Favorites when dealing with HC are actually battle summons. Will o' Wispes for Abysia, and Swarm with Jotunheim.
2. I have had problems with Abysian troops that have broken early in the battle. Cause unknown, my guess is enemy spells. What is the best way to increase morale? Priests?
Level 3+ priests, berserk-type spells, big squads, fighting in your dominion.
3. Research strategies, I have none yet. Blood nations should go for blood early of course, but the rest? Fire, evocation? Nature, conjuration? Death, enchantment?
This depends on a lot of things. Obvious ones in the beginning: nation, theme, pretender, game setup (map size, site richness, VCs). Think of a global strategy, focusing on your strengths. Then adapt depending on what happens in the game (immediate or latent threats, alliances, gem income, indy mages).