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Old December 13th, 2004, 10:29 AM
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Default Re: Newbie questions

CJN said:
1. What is the best way for infantry nations (Abysia, Jotunheim, ...) for dealing with enemy cavalry? Spearmen if available? Mages? Summons?
(Assuming 'cavalry' refers to HC/knights

Spearmen: they were a very effective counter to shock cavalry in ancient warfare, not so in Dominions. High damage weapons (like battleaxes) is what you want.

Mages: Abysia's magic is good vs armor (many fire-based evocations deal armor-piercing damage). And Incinerate is a 99% guaranteed dead HC/cast. Jotunheim (especially Utgard) can use the Eagle Eyes/Tangle Vines to good effect very early - a Jotun spearman can kill an entangled knight with a single blow ~80% of the time.

Summons: my Favorites when dealing with HC are actually battle summons. Will o' Wispes for Abysia, and Swarm with Jotunheim.

2. I have had problems with Abysian troops that have broken early in the battle. Cause unknown, my guess is enemy spells. What is the best way to increase morale? Priests?
Level 3+ priests, berserk-type spells, big squads, fighting in your dominion.

3. Research strategies, I have none yet. Blood nations should go for blood early of course, but the rest? Fire, evocation? Nature, conjuration? Death, enchantment?
This depends on a lot of things. Obvious ones in the beginning: nation, theme, pretender, game setup (map size, site richness, VCs). Think of a global strategy, focusing on your strengths. Then adapt depending on what happens in the game (immediate or latent threats, alliances, gem income, indy mages).
God does not play dice, He plays Dominions Albert von Ulm
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