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Old December 15th, 2004, 11:16 AM
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Default Re: Newbie questions

Boron said:
The fire summons are not so good .
As Abysia rather use devils .
Of course you can do both, since they require different resources resources to summon, and you can't convert one (fire gems) to the other (blood slaves). X fire summons + Y devils will always beat Y devils.

Summon Lions may be great or not depending on the circumstances - they're easily dispatched with spells like Blade Wind for instance. The fire summons that work best for me (cost-wise) are the Fire Snakes (not Drakes).

Abysia is imo a good beginner race because it is powerful but more straightforward then e.g. caelum .

Caelum looks at least as straightforward as Abysia to me.

Probably the best way to learn the game is just participate a few MP games and see what the other ppl use on you . If you are lucky some will even explain to you why they played the way the played and give you hints .

Using tactics learned in SP in MP is dangerous because most of the stuff that works in SP doesn't work in MP
That's excellent advice.
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