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Old December 15th, 2004, 12:41 PM

Tuna Tuna is offline
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Default Re: Newbie questions

Nagot Gick Fel said:

Of course you can do both, since they require different resources resources to summon, and you can't convert one (fire gems) to the other (blood slaves). X fire summons + Y devils will always beat Y devils.
Well, fire gems can be converted to fetishes/gold and that gold can be used to boost blood production. But anyway, I rather use fire for some items, flames from the sky and fetishes.


Caelum looks at least as straightforward as Abysia to me.
Well, it's easy to counter caelum's main hitting power in the late game, forcing the caelum player to seek another options, but devils and unigue blood summons stay tough all the way to the end.
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