Re: (OT) Do you prefer to know game formulas?
I'm not fine simply knowing ArrowFend could negate arrow damage. Is it 10%? 50%+no dmg from 1st arrow? 95%+((Def/100)+(MR/100))? I still don't know and the in-game description and manual are useless. I would rather spend my time on strategy and battle tactics rather than hunting down the truth on forums or watching several trial and error runs for a guess-timate.
Whether it's a complex formula with numerous variables or a fixed simple figure is irrelevant to me.
For those who don't want/need that information, don't use it. I've played games without even opening the manual much less gather forum knowledge. As mentioned, this information will be or has been discovered anyways so you're only fooling yourself if you think hiding it locks everyone into a guessing game.