Breaking up the "spells" order for mages into several slightly more specific orders, namely "attack spells," "summon spells," and "buff spells."
This would keep people from creating super-micromanaged mages of doom while still eliminating some of the really irritating aspects of the current mage AI, such as how they favor summons over attack spells, leading any elemental mage with gems to waste them summoning elementals instead of using attack spells and conserving their gems.
ALso, it would be nice if saving army orders using ctrl-# also saved the position of that unit on the battlefield. Voila, two clicks eliminated for every commander and unit group.
EDIT: Also, having some more details in the descriptions for battlefield and global spells would be nice. As it is most combat spells and summoning rituals have decent descriptions (ie: they include all the important pieces of data like area of effect/# of effects, damage, etc), but often you have very little idea of what a battlefield enchantment or global does until you actually cast it. Flavor descriptions are nice, but actual knowledge is better.