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Old December 22nd, 2004, 01:52 PM
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Baalz Baalz is offline
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Default Re: More ideas

Here are some ideas for enhancements that should be fairly easy to implement. Some of these I know have already been mentioned, but I think they are all easy and pretty much popular suggestions.

1) How about saving battle replays to a file? Shouldn’t be too hard since that data must be stored somewhere already, and it’d be really cool to be able to save some of your really awesome battles. They could be shared for AARs, as tutorials, etc. Also, having a button to rewind to the Last round (same functionality as the skip forward button, only reversed) would be great to.

2) Ranged troops set to fire should try and maintain a minimum distance (ie skirmish) while ammo Lasts. Fire & Withdraw should have them continue firing until either ammo is depleted or they move off the back of the battlefield trying to maintain a minimum distance. I think it would go a long way towards making LI viable if I could harass the enemy, then (at least try to manage it so that) my LI fell back behind my HI so that the HI met the enemy’s charge, at which point my LI runs out of ammo and attacks to support the HI (or withdraws if that’s what I want).

3) Have a withdraw option, distinct from routing (keep your troops together).

4) An option to specify that a mage not use gems unless scripted to. I think it’s very often the case that players want somebody to cast a single spell requiring gems (ie wrathful skies, mass protection, etc) then preserve the rest of the gems for future fights. Since this can already be accomplished through MM, this is just a MM reducing feature.

5) In keeping with the Dom paradigm, its important to limit the amount of tactical control the player has when scripting mages. It would be very strategically useful though to be able to assign them a role (summoning spells, attack spells, buff-other spells). Artillery mages shouldn’t pass out buffing themselves, and death mages should be able to do something other than summoning skeletons. It’d be great (and fit the paradigm) to be able to script a few specific buffs then give them very general direction.

6) Allow good hooks for AI modding. AI design for such a complex game is really hard, and this is one of the more vocal complaints I’ve seen about Dom II. This game has a large community of creative types who know the strats and game mechanics ridiculously well. Lets leverage it, and shut up all the AI whiners with a “put your money where your mouth is”. Expanding this to include modding the unit battlefield AI would be great(if not prohibitively difficult). That would give interested parties a way to play around with archer friendly fire, light infantry, mage spell selection, etc.
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