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Old December 22nd, 2004, 03:48 PM

Zen Zen is offline
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Default Re: Conceptual Balance Series (Mod)

Growth is a no brainer over Order?

Hrm. Actually with the adjusted scales getting points feels a little harder to accomplish. So, with Order you can safely take Misfortune 2 without as much detriment. Taking Growth not only limits your points because you no longer take Death. If you are playing outrageously large maps with Turns in the 100+ (or you give up because the micromanagment kills you) Growth will look very appealing, while if you are playing anything under 50 turns, Death is not quite so appealing because of the Gold hit.

Also the choice between Growth and Production is significant unless you Subscribe to the "National Armies are crap at all times and I am making a bunch of clams and bloodstones and whatever to remain competitive" strategy, then of course you might want to always choose Growth over Production.
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