UPDATE: Look below for a newer Version of the mentioned Excel-sheet.
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Well back again with some dry math. This time I have used the right 0.3% value for the growth effect (and 6% for order, and 4% for growth). I have tried to take into account the reduction in bad events when taking order. So Order+2 vs. Growth+2, fueled by taking Luck-2, can be compared.
I've also used different values for the gold and growth boosts from taking growth and order in the different calculations. And the "reduction in bad events" bonus from taking order has also been fiddled with.
My conclusion is that "Growth+2, Luck-2" vs. "Order+2, Luck-2" accumulates the same amount of gold after about 50-80 turns, depending on how much of an influence you feel that order has on bad events.
All in all I get the feeling that the values of Order(6%) and Growth(4%, 0.3%) are about right. Maybe Growth(4%, 0.25%) would be better if it is a legal value.
I've attached the Excel-document used to make these comparisons (with comments). It should be usable as a testing template, when horsing around with different values of the scale parameters