Re: Clam of Pearls??
> You want to see more hoarditems?? Playing with tons of hoard items removes
> most of the strategy imho.
Just in your not humble enough opinion. First of all, hoarding is not 100%
necessary to win. I consider myself a decent player, and I seldom
start hoarding before turn 20-30, by which time many people have gone critical.
Second, hoarding is in no way a guarantee for winning. I would put it behind
diplomacy, race selection, and anticipating the enemy, in that order. Third,
even if hoarding in general were necessary to win, there are still enough
different kinds of hoarding to make things interesting. So, yes, I would
like to see more hoardable items.
> Who cares how many provinces you have when your income comes mostly from
> clams/fetishes.
And this is necessarily bad? If you managed to get to that point with just
your capital province, you must be really good. If not, what are you
complaining about?
> I really like that in games with no hoarding you have to choose how to spend
> your limited resources and the game doesn´t turn into a giant
> wishfest/micromanagement nightmare.
What I really hate more than house rules, is unenforceable house rules.
> Especially since you can get such massive discounts on forging.
You can? Then you must have done something right. Doing something is right is
what the game is about.
No good deed goes unpunished...